Friday, April 19, 2013

WoW... Really?

Hate me guys, for I'm a terrible person.

I went to a buddy's house today for some early-morning Circle vs. Legion goodness (he won, it was epic). We finished our game at an awkward time - it was too early for me to be ready to leave, and too late for another game. "Wanna see my WoW character?" he asked. Curious to see the changes made to World of Warcraft since I stopped playing a few years back, I gladly obliged and off we trotted to his computer.

He showed me some stuff he figured I hadn't seen, and I ask if they'd fixed this and that (all yes). We sat and talked, and I found myself really missing the game. Not in the sleepless-nights-and-one-shower-a-month obsession, but I remembered that it was a fun way to spend some down time. We spent some more time talking about the game and I headed home.

I poked around the game's website and found something called a "Scroll of Resurrection," which lets my buddy invite me and essentially lets me have 7 days of free game time. So here I am, debating whether I'll accept the invitation when he sends it.

This comes at a perfect time though! I'm so swamped with commission work that I actually had to turn some down for now. With the rather strict painting deadlines I put on myself, I'll really get to see if I can fit WoW in to my limited free time. So we'll see if an hour or less every day is enough to keep me playing - I'm not too confident, but we'll see!

See you tomorrow!

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