Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Countdown to Cyriss - Week 6

Today we get to look at Cyriss's other living warcaster, Aurora. Alongside her Clockwork Angels, I think this is one of the reasons people will want to play Cyriss.

Shick gave us a lot of stats, so I'll break them down:

  • Spd 7
  • Flight
  • Transference lets warrior models use her focus to boost attack and damage rolls. Assuming she's a FOC 7 caster, that's going to be awesome. 
  • True Path grants warrior models/units +2" movement and Pathfinder, making Angels charge 12" and (fingers crossed) attack with a Reach weapon. Even if they don't have a reach weapon, they can out-threaten your average gunline. And with their +2 DEF against ranged attacks, these things can cause chaos on the opponent's flank and back line. 
  • Elite Cadre [Clockwork Angels] gives them CMA. With only 3 of them, and the ability to use Transference, it's a negligible benefit. But it does guarantee that any solo is going to die.
  • Flank [Clockwork Angels] means she wants to be with her unit and ripping things apart.
  • Flashing Blade (spell) is a Thresher-like ability. Combined with Flank, this will make her a terror against high DEF infantry. 
  • Eleventh Hour (feat) grants friendly faction models Refuge, letting them make a full advance (ignoring free strikes) if they hit an enemy this turn. With this feat, I picture the scene from Batman Begins where Ra's al Ghul attacks Bruce, then disappears in to a cloud of shifting ninjas.
Overall, Aurora seems like a fun caster. She lets her warjacks handle the big boys while she and her unit of Clockwork Angels flit around the battlefield destroying all the squishy targets. I like her, and if I get Cyriss this will definitely be a caster I put on the field. She has the shenanigans of Circle, but her jacks still possess the hitting power needed to address high ARM targets. And since her MAT has to be at least 7, warjacks are going to be hitting rather well.

So now that we've had two warcasters spoiled, I must say that Cyriss continues to make it difficult to say no. We've had a caster who wants to play like Khador, and one who wants to be Circle. There's little question that they're versatile, if only Privateer Press would give us more concrete details on how often we can expect new toys for these guys!

I think I need a spoiler of something completely new, but just as versatile as what we've seen, before I will return to my "definitely probably" purchase decision. What about you guys? Is there anything you're waiting on before you'll consider buying in? Has the recent confirmation that Cyriss will be a one-time release affected your interest in the army? Let me know, because I'm curious to see where everyone else is on this decision.

See you tomorrow!

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