Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New Series Announcement - PTW

A few weeks ago I did a series of articles discussing Win At All Costs players (type "WAAC" in to my blog's search bar to find them). At the end of it I hinted at a new series based off of David Sirlin's book Playing to Win. This week I will be starting that series, so I want to take a moment and let you all know what to expect.

If you click the link above you'll find that you can read his entire book online for free. For this series I will be going through his major points, either one chapter at a time or combining several, and discussing what he's said. If you want to get a jump start on the series I suggest reading through the Intermediate's Guide, as I found that to be the most interesting and full of content.

In addition, I will be applying these principles to my Warmachine games and reporting the results. I play with a group of friends as opposed to a game shop, so my results may be slightly skewed. However, I think my personal successes and failures should be universal.

If anyone has strong feelings on this subject, I would love to open my blog to you. See here for guidelines on posting. You can do a response post, or post your own thoughts on a portion of his book.

So get ready, because Thursday or Friday should be interesting and mildly offensive depending on how far in to the book I go!

See you tomorrow with more Cyriss goodness!

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