Monday, April 15, 2013

Mountain King, Smash!

Sometimes there's a model so awesome that it simply must be painted. I've felt that way about a few models, but there's one that has been at the top of my "to paint" list since it was first revealed.
And finally... I get to paint it.

This is the Mountain King, the gargantuan beast of the Trollbloods. It's big, it's awesome, and it's on my painting desk right now. I can feel your jealousy.

We recently had to move our gaming area away from Luke's house so that they can make room for the pitter-patter of a baby gamer. I'm not sure how long they were at Luke's, but it's the only geek den I've been to for over a year. We were discussing a thank-you gift, and I volunteered (or was volunteered, it's a bit blurry) to paint a model for Luke. My mind immediately went to the Mountain King, and Luke apparently didn't mind the idea because once we told him he went home and came back with this big hunk of metal and plastic.

So look forward to a Work In Progress series on this guy, because I'm CRAZY excited to get him painted up. I just need to finish up my Cygnar commission, start the Cryx commission, paint up a unit for my charity project so I can slowly get that finished, paint my new Infinity starter that I can't play until it's painted..... busy busy. But the Mountain King will get finished, and I will declare it to be the most fun I've ever had painting.

See you tomorrow!

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