Friday, April 5, 2013

Countdown to Cyriss Week 4 pt 2 - The Bummer Edition

For the first time in over a year, Privateer Press has disappointed me.

Today PPS_Simon, an official representative of Privateer Press, said this in a forum post:

"Right now we don't plan for the Convergence of Cyriss to be added to the regular rotation of updated armies in our WARMACHINE anthology books (Cygnar, Khador, the Protectorate of Menoth, Cryx, and the Retribution of Scyrah), but we will likely add new models to their ranks from time to time."

Needless to say, my excitement is a bit deflated. Apparently this had already been announced, but I'm not sure enough people caught it whenever it was said. Now however, I find myself evaluating whether I'm buying in to the faction. They already have Mercs and Minions that aren't fully supported and (without the Galleon) can struggle to be competitive, and I'm hesitant to buy something that is essentially unsupported from day 1.

I realize that sounds a bit petulant, but let me explain. I love buying shiny new things (or shiny used things on Bartertown). I enjoy playing the models I have and then looking through my faction book and expansion books and saying "alright, it's time to shake things up a bit and buy this one." If you know how tired I am of my Khador, then you'll be surprised to know that I'm tempted to pick them up again once I buy some cavalry units (helloooooo Fenris!).

It's probably silly, but that's just how I operate. I don't like knowing that there are unexplored options for something I'm playing. I'm not a specialist by any means - I like the option to continually experience new facets of something. And with Cyriss, I worry that if I buy most of the army, I'll get bored with it because I don't have anything new to try.

This also bums me out because of how Privateer Press handles releases. When a faction gets a good release, it really shakes things up in the game. Cygnar got Stormwall, Skorne is getting the Mammoth, Circle got eMorvana and Gallows Grove... things that really improved the faction and gave them a whole new way to play. Even Retribution, which started off a bit like Cyriss seems to, has gotten releases every expansion to help address problems and help them adapt to the changing game.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to strip down and run around downtown with a giant sign declaring the oncoming apocalypse. It is what it is, and Privateer Press likely knows what they're doing. It's just disappointing for how I play games, because I'll know that what I see on the MiniatureMarket catalog is basically what I'll have to choose from for quite awhile.

Is it deal breaking? Probably not, because they'll hopefully release with enough options that I'll still be able to look at the faction book and say "aha, I want THAT next!" for awhile. And let's face it, the army's gameplay mechanics are still pretty boss. However, my excitement has been toned down a touch and I'm back on that "day 1 purchase?" fence.

For those who need a bit of a pick-me-up, don't forget that today is the last day to enter my giveaway for a $10 gift certificate to Miniature Market! As always, just comment on the video and like my Facebook page.

See you tomorrow with the results!

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