Monday, April 8, 2013

One of Us! (Gooble Gobble)

After 3 months and 8 days of posting, I've shared a lot of opinions. Some have been popular, others not so much. Now it's your turn!
I'd like to extend an opportunity for those of you who have something to say about gaming. I'm going to start hosting guest articles on my blog, and I'd like my readers to participate! This isn't a contest, but more of a way for you to contribute and have your opinions heard. I only have a few guidelines I'd like you to follow:

  • It must be related to gaming. I'm not too restrictive on what I will accept, so use your best judgment.
  • Don't rant. Having a biased opinion is a part of life, but sharing it with intelligence and maturity is a must, both on the internet and in life.
  • No photos unless they are very obviously your own. Copyright on the internet is hard to fight, but many photographers try to make a living on their photos. I don't want to steal from them, nor do I want to risk being sued for someone else stealing them. 
  • No profanity, including using "God" outside of religious context.
  • Proof read! I will do my best to polish any basic errors, but other than that I trust that it will be readable.
So if you have an idea for a guest post you'd like to write, let me know!

See you tomorrow!

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