Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today On Dr. Phil...

April is always a bummer month for me. But I'm feeling really good today, so I feel like counting my geeky blessings.
I've talked before about how important my gaming group is to me, so I'll save the details on that. But lately I've been really appreciating the friends I've made there. It still feels strange to me to be part of a group, something I haven't really experienced in 8+ years. Although I'm still a bit of a hermit from Monday-Friday, I love getting out and gaming on Saturday and then going to church on Sunday. I look forward to social interactions, and I think I'm on my way to learning how to be a real person!

I've also been thinking about how great it is to interact with friends face-to-face. I still have my friends on Xbox Live who yell at me because I'm never on, but it's a great feeling to look forward to seeing a group of people every week. Heck, I think I'm almost to the point where they begrudgingly enjoy seeing me too! I've made some of my best friends in this group, and it's truly been a life-changing experiences 

From this group I found my love of painting, and from that I also stumbled in to commission painting. I still remember how nervous I was when Josh first offered to pay me to paint something for him. I think it was a Ripjaw - I watched so many videos on how to paint Cryx before I even got up the nerve to prime the little guy. Overall the experience went well, and has since made Josh my most loyal customer.

Since then I've done work for several others, and every new project is a bit nerve-wracking. My first job for someone is my audition, and it's a bit terrifying to know that my ability to get future projects hinges on how well I do the initial job. However, I love doing commission work because of how excited people are to field painted models. And while I'm not the type who needs an ego boost, the best feeling comes from that email saying how much they love their models. It's even better when I paint for someone locally because they usually smile as they rotate the model. The best is always Josh who insists on showing it off to everyone as soon as I hand it to him.

And with all that being said, I want all those involved in my geekiness over the past year to know how much I appreciate you. All of you have had some part in changing my life for the better, and while I'm terrible at being open in person, I'm taking this opportunity to say it.

So to Luke (who is far too busy to get on the internet, but oh well), thank you for inviting me to your home and giving me the opportunity to meet some great friends. Your invitation was the catalyst in pulling me out of a pretty dark spot in my life.

To you guys who deal with me every Saturday, and especially those who suffer through talking to me during the week, thank you for helping me get out of my shell and make friends. You guys are awesome, and I wish you knew how much your friendship has helped me.

To Josh, thank you for being my first commission. Even though my early work was awful, you trusted me to make your money worthwhile. When my family was going through some tough financial times, being able to do projects here and there helped give us just enough to make it that month. And thank you for never saying "no" to me trying out new techniques on your models. A lot of my skills have come from painting your stuff, and I'm sure I'll learn plenty more when your miniatures are on my painting table.

To everyone who has had the confidence to let me paint your miniatures, thank you. This is the first time I've felt like I have a skill I want to share with others, and your faith and kind words have meant the world to me as I continue to develop my craft. The money I've received for painting has been able to help my family, and also allows me to continue purchasing painting supplies for my business and figures for my hobbies. I'm grateful for every single project I receive, and I'm so glad you've let me be a part your hobby.

And to my readers, thank you for giving me the energy to do this every day. Even if only a handful of people read my content, it's great to know that this isn't just a personal journal. I've never been one to ask for the spotlight, but everyone has been so encouraging and responsive that I've really enjoyed being able to start some of these conversations. I know some articles are duds, but thanks for sticking with me anyway!

See you tomorrow!

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