Monday, February 11, 2013

The Sewers that Ray Built

Today I played construction worker and began working on the sewer for my contest piece.

Years ago I bought a Hirst Arts brick mold for the Dungeons and Dragons game I was running. 

I made a bunch of them using Plaster of Paris, and I was fortunate to have saved them all this time because all I needed to do was grab some Elmer's glue and get to work.

Hopefully this gives a better idea of what I'm going for. You can see the three Stolen in front (bases won't be in the final piece), with Hamelin elevated on his blue blob (that won't be either). Rats will be moving in from the top of that T intersection and swarming down the main path.

The black circle indicates where the sewer pipe will be spilling all kinds of nastiness into the trench. The walls need to be built 1 or 2 bricks higher, but I wanted to let the glue dry overnight before I tested its structural integrity.

Tomorrow I'll (hopefully) finish up the walls and start planning out the layout of my swarm.

As promised, here's my pledge for painting my Privateer Press models this month. The only time consuming part will be getting the glow effects just right, but I think I have enough practice from Cryx commissions that it won't be much of a problem!

See you tomorrow!

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