Sunday, February 10, 2013

Playing It Painted for 2013

Just when I thought I couldn't be convinced to dedicate any more time to painting in the coming months, Muse on Minis has found a way to convince me otherwise.

"Play It Painted 2013" is an initiative led by the guys at Muse on Minis, the best Warmachine/Hordes podcast out there, to "see more fully painted armies at tournaments and game nights, and create a place where the community can give each other encouragement and feedback."

The idea behind it is simple.

  1. You start the month with a pledge of models. You take a picture of your bare or prime models, along with the date and your username. You have until the end of the month to paint those models for them to qualify for the raffle (explained below).
  2. Post a picture of the fully finished/based model.
  3. Show a picture of your painted models on the table during a game night.
Raffle points are based on how many in-game points your models are worth, and how far in to your pledge you got. What's really exciting is that they have gotten some good prize support, including painting kits from Privateer Press itself!

This will be a great push for me to get my models painted up for my battle reports. I really want to be one of those snobs who only plays painted models; not to be a snob, but just so I can push myself to use my down time to work on my hobby, rather than be lazy and watch TV or mess around on the computer. Now I have the tiny hope of getting more than just personal satisfaction from painting my stuff, so how can I say no?

So when I make my pledge on the forum, I'll also make a pledge to you guys. And if I don't get my pledged models fully painted by the end of that month, I'll try to talk my wife in to letting me have another giveaway. I make no promises for now, but I'll do what I can.

So wish me luck. Considering I only have 18 days this month, and my contest entry to work on, I'm not going hardcore this round. However, I will commit myself to something.

See you tomorrow!

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