Saturday, February 16, 2013

Choose My Own Adventure

Sorry guys, no giveaway for me missing my PIP2k13 pledge... yet.

Taadaa! Like I said, this one was a bit of a sissy pledge. I'd never paid attention to how long it takes me to paint my own models, since my level of concentration and speed on personal pieces is much lower than when I'm doing commission work. But after several episodes of Big Bang Theory, they're done.

But hey, we still have 10 days left in February! So I'm going to pledge another model, and I'd like you guys to pick which one. I'm working on painting the core models for lists I want to play, which means I need to paint a warlock and warbeasts. Despite the nightmare that goes in to placing 3 forests a turn, Baldur and is Wolds are the first models I'd like to paint. So on the picture below, I'd like you to tell me which one you'd like to see painted first. 
  • Model #1 is a Wold Warden. He summons forests on himself and annoys my opponent. I will consider attaching his arm when I paint him.
  • Model #2 is Baldur. He's the warlock that drew me to Circle Orboros simply because he can drop a forest on the table and totally hose an opponent's movement. And when he's going for the kill, he can teleport to a nearby forest (say one by the enemy warcaster) and issue a tree-hugging beatdown.
  • Model #3 is Megalith, Baldur's best friend. He's basically a walking beatstick (and beatrock). 

So let me know which you'd like to see painted next. I'll tally it up Sunday night or Monday and then get to work.

See you tomorrow!

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