Saturday, February 2, 2013

Painting Contest - Chittering Mass Idea

I have my idea for the painting contest, and it's a doozy!
In Malifaux, there's a character named Hamelin, the Plagued. Like the old tale The Pied Piper of Hamelin, his thing is playing music and controlling rats. In the game, he also has models called "the stolen," which are children who have become so entranced by his music that they've become soulless vessels.

Hey, Malifaux is dark.

From a gameplay standard, people apparently hate Hamelin. I don't know much about Malifaux yet, but most things I read about Hamelin can be summed up as "no fun to play or play against." That's too bad, because I love his looks.

So when I sat down and started looking for the models I wanted to paint, I kept being drawn to him. His story is so interesting, but the model itself is rather... meh. 

So what could I do to really make this guy stand out from the other fantastic sculpts people will be painting? It seemed like an impossible task for about 2 minutes, and then it came to me: rats and kids! It's all he has, and it's all I need.

So here's the very, VERY rough idea for what I'm planning:

Believe it or not, that's actually the best of 2 images I made in MS Paint.

Horrendous cropping and copy/pasting aside, let me explain. I'll use the Hamelin and Stolen models from Malifaux, and somehow create a giant tide of rats using a lot of rubber molds. Hamelin will be elevate in them as though the rats are carrying him forward, while the Stolen will be spaced throughout, buried up to their knees in the chittering mass.

The worst part will be the rats. I have something that I think I can use for the molds, but if the rats look too small then I'll probably be stuck using greenstuff to make a small chunk which I'll then use to make a mold. 

This could be an astronomically bad idea, but if it works out I think I'll have a strong running in this contest. Even if I don't win, I'll have a nice centerpiece for my display case!

So let me know what you guys think. I'm open to any ideas, especially regarding making a thousand rats.

See you tomorrow!

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