Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Starting Them Young

I think my daughter is obsessed with dice.
In the past I've settled disputes between my kids the diplomatic way. If someone wanted Dora and the other wanted Thomas the Train, I'd try to be fair while trying in vain to remember who picked yesterday. While it usually works out well, sometimes it's just no fun being logical.

Enter the d6.

A few days ago I couldn't for the life of me remember who's turn it was to pick, and neither kid could remember either. So I rooted through my gaming box and grabbed two 6-sided dice. They were both pretty confused, but once they rolled and Emma compared the dice, she was hooked (even though she lost).

Now every time a dispute comes up, she wants to roll off for it. I finally caved tonight and her eyes lit up as I grabbed my Chessex dice. And now that's she's won a second roll-off (if you count my giveaway video), I think I have a future gamer on my hands.

I purchased something for her awhile ago, and I think it's time to make it happen. NewbieDM.com produces a D&D-esque game just for kids called RPGKids. The basic game does away with stats and boosts and boils down to a d20 rolloff. Player characters get a couple of abilities to give them an edge over the monsters, but for the most part it's a fun storytelling game.

Emma has also been begging to help me paint one of my "guys." I was going to have her help me with an Ork Trukk since a 4 year old's paint job would probably be appropriate. But since I have a game just for her, I think it's time we have a daddy-daughter trip to my local game store and dig through the plethora of Reaper miniatures so she can pick a character.

I'm really excited for this! She's finally hitting that age where she can be molded in to a proper gamer, and as her father it's my duty to do it properly. Who knows, I may even record it so that I can post a video that isn't about a giveaway.

See you tomorrow!

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