Monday, March 11, 2013

Clash for a Cure

As some of you may remember, I've been excited about a big charity event I'll be taking part in this year. I've been talking to Richard Courtney, the man who heads up Clash for a Cure. He graciously agreed to take time to answer a few questions, and his answers were so good I'm just going to give you the Q&A.

-What is Clash for a Cure?

Clash for a Cure is a Warmachine/Hordes and Malifaux weekend long event that benefits the American Cancer Society. It is scheduled for September 27-29, 2013 in Waco Texas.

-How did it begin? What initially motivated you to start this event?

Clash started a few years ago when I went to a charity event in south Texas. Driving back, I kept thinking that there were so many things that could be “tweeked” to make it even more awesome. After a year of thinking about it, I finally pulled the trigger.

-How much has the event raised for the American Cancer Society so far?

So far, the total has been over $5000.

-Why only WarmaHordes and Malifaux? I'm sure many wonder why Warhammer 40k isn't featured.

Really, it’s more just personal taste. I played 40K and and Fantasy for years before converting to Privateer. The change was a choice I made years ago. I like to think of it as a crossroads in which I made the turn to Privateer. I still look over at the GW games and think that I love the models, I just made a choice and I have stuck with it. Malifaux was added in Clash’s second year, mainly because...well I am a Henchman for Wyrd, so I couldn’t leave it out!

-Who helps you run something like this?

The first year, I was the Lone Ranger. Mainly due to my OCD! I had help from my local group, but I kept almost all of my planning and machinations to myself. After it’s success, I realized that I truly needed help. Luckily, I had a great friend that I asked to help and he dove in head first. That would be jimmy Gollihar, the Quadfather. Couldn’t have done it without him! Also last year, Rob “Terarin” Strohmeyer kind of jumped in at the end and helped run the show with a few less “bumps”. Of course Clash’s event staff (which gets bigger every year) all pitch in to make the event.

-How many years has it been going? How have you seen the event change and improve over the years?

This will be the third year. In 2011, we capped out at 42 players. We “capped out” because that was all of the room we had! We moved venues the second year, which gave us more room and brought us up to 56 players. We have teamed up with WaCon this year (brand new convention in Waco Texas) which has doubled our space! It’s really exciting! Also, with our first year of petitioning, we were able to secure an Alternate Warmachine Weekend Invitational spot which we hope will draw a couple of more bodies to the event!

-How much work goes in to an event like this? How long have you been working on this year's event?

In the past two years, work actually began in April of each year, all the way to showtime. This year, even though the plan was April, Jimmy and I found ourselves talking about 2013 in December! Just things that we wanted to change up here and there, what we could do for more terrain, painters for the raffle, etc. Finally in January we really stopped the pretense of waiting for April and jumped in with both feet!

-What has the reaction been like from the gaming community? Have you had any non-wargamers support Clash?

From the Texas has been phenomenal! We are still working on outside of Texas, but I already have people from out of the state emailing me and asking about it. It’s hard to really bust out. My original intention was never to compete with the “big boys” like Templecon, Adepticon, Warmachine Weekend, etc. Momentum is building though. Maybe in 10 years...? Who knows?
As for non-wargamers, the support has been pretty awesome. I have had sponsors from around the world throw in their support as well.

-Cancer is something personal and emotional to a lot of people. Have people who have experienced cancer in some way been supportive of the event?

It’s funny you should mention that. Cancer is such a devastating disease. A lot of my sponsors have responded with emails showing support while mentioning that family members have been ravaged by the disease. Also, a lot of players. I had a friend who I had been out of contact with for a while show up and tell me that his father had gone through a massive struggle with cancer and was ecstatic that I had organized an event like Clash. I use a lot to acquire models for the raffle and have had lots of people message me and ask if I was using the model for Clash...and then just donate it instead of selling it to me. The wargaming community is a rather charitable one when it all is said and done.

-What could people expect if they were to attend? Events, raffles, etc?

First and foremost, three days of solid hardcore gaming! I have a tenative “painting” guest lined up for 2013, but I have to keep those details a little close until things are more settled. One of the big things that Clash has been famous for is the Charity Raffle. I manage to convince painters from all over the world to donate their time and paint up some awesome models and armies for the cause. In the past years, I have had people like Meg Maples (PPS_Meg), Tom Schadle (Commander Y), Jordan Lewis (PG_Aterdaeus), Nick Curtis (PG_Pszito), Adam Huenecke (p0pgoestheworld), Ali McVey, Eric Festa (Col. Festus), Tyson koch, Arithron1, Chest of Colors Studio, Golem Studio, Brant Benoit (PG_Ghool), Steve Garcia (PG_Torkathor),Garden Ninja Studios, CLoudfang, GMM Studios, and a host of others. This year is shaping up already with several full armies in the line up!

-Is there anything you'd like to add to Clash in the future?

Right now, I would have to say no. Of course I would like to change up the actual tournament formats and such. The logistics of running a Who’s the Boss event are crazy, but I think we have actually got those ironed out right now. Having 130 painted casters is mind-numbing, but a lot of Press Gangers have vounteered to help us get them up to speed. Still waiting for some of the new Gargantuan book caster to come out, plus who knows what Cyriss is going to bring...
Of course with something new...everything is subject to change.

-Any favorite memories from previous events?

Far too many to even think about writing out!

-Where can people find out more info on the event? In what ways can people contribute?

We are slowly rebuilding the website and it is slow-going right now. The website is The best way right now to find information is our Facebook page . We have found that our best gauge of interest is Facebook. We use it to show potential sponsors our fanbase, so anyone interested, please go to it and hit the like button! As for contributions, anything is appreciated! With our recent growth, we always can use models or terrain. Anyone interested in contributing can email me at .

Special thanks to Bitzjunkie for his graphics work!

And there you have it! I encourage you to get involved in any way you can, even if you aren't a gamer. Rich has a ridiculous amount of passion for this event, and I'm so excited to take part this year. Tomorrow I'll let you know what I plan to do for my donation.

See you tomorrow!

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