Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rest Time Reviews - A New Series

I've been trying to come up with a weekly or bi-weekly series for the blog. After some brainstorming, I think I may have come up with a good one.

Ever since my daughter stopped taking daily naps at the age of 3, we had to institute what we call "rest time." Since wasn't sleeping, we still wanted her to have that time to sit and chill. Two years later, she still has her rest time while her brother (and maybe daddy) takes a nap.

In the past year, my wife has been enforcing that rule on me as well. I have a nasty habit of not slowing down when there are things to do, and I don't really notice until my brain is running on fumes. So for an hour or two every day, I have been doing something to relax. Usually this involves painting, but video games and reading have crept in there as well.

It's during this "rest time" that the idea for my series came about. Rest Time Reviews will be a regular series that will look at games and apps for those who don't have much free time to devote to them. I'll look at them for their content, but also how well the game/app will fit in to a busier schedule. Some things may be no-brainers, but I hope some of you will see something that piques your interest and helps you relax during your own down time.

I'm still hammering out the format details, so let me know if you have any thoughts on what you'd want to see in a series like this. I'm hoping I can figure out some objective criteria that lets you quickly decide if the game/app is for you, and then doing my normal jibber-jabber for those who want specifics and bad jokes. I'm also thinking of some sort of banner/logo/whatever to put in each article, so ideas there are also welcome. This is still in its infancy, and I think with some outside ideas this thing could be really enjoyable for the busy gamers out there.

See you tomorrow!

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