Saturday, March 16, 2013

Peace, Love, and Harm.

Tonight is the night. Circle Orboros is going to put a stony smackdown on some dirty Cryx or gun-loving Cygnar!I've played my Circle Orboros army once before, but I had no idea what I was doing, and the result was an amalgamation of failure, anti-synergy, and a lot of unpainted models. Well no more! A couple guys in my group have agreed to suffer through playing my army of violent hippies, and I'm almost positive I can pretend to know what I'm doing this time.

This year I've made it a priority to only play a painted army. When I found out I was going to get a Warmachine game tonight, I had a marathon painting session to get some troopers ready to roll. You saw them in my quick tip on painting black, but I still needed to finish the fine details and the bases. I had 17 models on my tray, so I just worked on everything since they all had similar steps to them.

Unfortunately I miscalculated the points of my models and came up one short, so I will have ONE unpainted model tonight (oh, the horror!). I thought about painting it up quickly, but Gallows Groves look pretty time-intensive, and it was already 2 a.m. So here it is, the army that will summon a bunch of forests and bring some painted pain to my opponents!

Baldur will be leading the army alongside with his good buddy Megalith (the big dude raising the roof). The Woldwatcher (little stone guy) is there to park his high-ARM tush in the scenario and refuse to move. The 6 druids will be screening and messing with my opponent's spellcasting, while the Tharn Ravager and Lord of the Feast eat through infantry. The unpainted Gallows Grove will... well, I'm not really sure what he does other than let Baldur shoot spells through its blood-caked branches. I had an extra point, so he gets to tag along while I try to figure out how to use him.

Wish me luck tonight. I rarely win against our Cryx player, but hopefully my tricky army will catch him by surprise. Cygnar scares me because Chris likes his electricity and my army seems like it'll die to a bunch of guns and lightning. But I'm excited to figure these guys out and maybe do a test run for battle reports.

See you tomorrow!

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