Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Countdown to Cyriss: Week 2

Last Wednesday I got pretty excited about the Convergence of Cyriss info that PP gave us. Since it's going to be a weekly thing until the faction releases at Lock & Load, I think I'll continue spewing my excitement right alongside them.

This week Will Shick talked about some of the faction's warjacks. Considering the faction is being built around the battlegroup, I'm glad that they're talking about the good stuff early. There were no great surprises to be found here, although the idea of light jacks, walking heavies, and hovering heavies could prove interesting.

We got some names for warjacks as well. Diffuser, Galvanizer, and Mitigator are the lights, Cipher, Monitor, and Inverter are the walking heavies, while Assimilator, Modulator, and Conservator are the hovering heavies. I won't lie, the names bore me to tears. I realize that's sort of the point, with Convergence of Cyriss (CC) being about clockwork and math. But still, all other factions have always had jacks with semi-nifty names. I don't know if it's because everything ends in an r, but the names themselves didn't excite me.

The info, however, is a different story. You can read the post for all the details, but these warjacks seems to be bursting with utility. A warjacks that does a POW 10 damage roll to melee attackers? A POW 20 macropummeler (ugh, these names) with knockdown, and a jack that flings buzz saws (I told you!)... I'm excited to see these things on my side of the table.

And Shick ended with with a very mean teaser. "Of course, astute readers might notice I left out one rather large contender in the vector category. But I think such a colossal piece of the Convergence army deserves a blog all its own."

CC RELEASES WITH A COLOSSAL! I heard rumors that they were getting a battle engine, but a clockwork colossal almost makes me giddy. Since PP has (presumably) learned from their successes and failures with the gargossals, I can only hope that the Stompy-Slicerator (my pending name for the colossal) will be pure awesome in a faction made to support it.

And for those who haven't seen it, here's a fantastic (reveal?) video that PP released last month. It answers a few questions I guess at last week, and gives some great closeups of the models.

Am I up to a day 1 purchase yet? I'm still on that fence, but it will take a lot for me not to follow through with it. What about you guys? It's hard to buy in to a new faction, but I'm finding it hard not buying in to this one.

See you tomorrow!

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