Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Convergence of Cyriss - Image Breakdown

My painter's heart skipped a beat when they actually revealed several of the models in action. They talked about how the army will focus on the battlegroup (i.e. it will be the warjack faction Khador was meant to be!), and it sounds like it will rely heavy on synergy. From what I understand, the Convergence of Cyriss worships Cyriss (surprise!) The Clockwork Goddess and Maiden of Gears. The Convergence is a fringe, extremist group that's part of the Cult of Cyriss. They are cold and calculating, and the humans will stick their souls into the machines they build.

This is the original picture of Will Shick's blog from today:

Maybe it's just me, but there's just too much going on for my brain to comprehend (especially since everything is made of metal!). So I thought I'd break down the unique images and see what we're working with.

Based on earlier images, this seems to be the warcaster. Looking at it, I'm reminded a sarcophagus, but with an angelic touch. . The two C-shaped appendages that pass for arms are a bit hard to make out, but I want to guess that it has a gun on the bottom and a creepy claw on the top. It's interesting that although the shape is humanoid, the arms are almost more arachnid.

I'm also really digging the light blue along with the metal. It gives everything a very cold and exact look.

Infantry is next. There's not much to say about this one, although I'm loving the shields. They look like they lock together, so I want to think they'll have Shield Wall, and possibly reach with their flails. 

Their bodies still look humanoid - possibly because their minds are so used to controlling 2 legs and 2 arms, so the grunts are outfitted with the most basic of perfect, mechanical forms. 

Time for some warjacks! Although I assume this has two armor-piercing melee attacks, I can't help but feel like the sculptor had bullets on the brain when making the arms.

Otherwise I dig the look of these jacks. My initial reaction was that they weren't steampunk enough (I'm looking at you, Retribution), but after getting a close-up I think they really nailed it. The idea is to make them look alien compared to the rest of the coal-burning races, but they have the right amount of clockwork and gears to fit the setting. I also like how the head looks. Rather than mimicking a person, it eschews aesthetics for functionality (and looks more like GLaDOS).

The only thing that will bother me is the legs. I don't mind the spider look, but why is the front leg just floating off the base? I imagine the idea is to make it look like it's in motion but... bleh. 

Think of a discman (here's some help for those too young). Now look at the top body of this jack. Do you see it? "Metal Hot Pocket" is also an acceptable answer.

The only thing of note between this and the previous one is the weapon loadout. The left hand seems to have a flail snaking out of the arm, while the right seems to have a long-range weapon. I don't see the crazy glow of an energy weapon, nor do I see much in the way of ammunition or an actual barrel for a projectile. My initial guess is that it might shoot a focused blast of force.

With Cyriss warjacks using their warcaster's MAT and RAT, I'd like to think this thing could be a versatile sniper or infantry sweeper, depending on whether the caster has a higher MAT or RAT.

This thing just looks mean! I enjoy the humorous image of this thing shoving a buzzsaw through a ripjaw (who has a buzzsaw in its mouth). I can't make out much else of note on this - I'm not sure of those blue things on its back are meant to be decorative or functional. Perhaps a force field similar to Ret? Or could this be the faction's repair unit?

Here's another light warjack, but I'm not sure what to make of it. We saw buzzsaws, so could this thing chuck sawblades at people? I can't make out the left "arm" too well at this angle. It obviously has something forked, but what? My money is on a multitool, but time will tell. (edit: looking at it with fresh eyes, it might be something more scissor-like)

The Convergence of Cyriss will release at Lock & Load on May 31st. Are you ready to buy in to these? I was skeptical, but the idea of a jack faction is hard to resist. I'm still on the fence, but there is definitely a strong breeze making me lean to the side that makes my wallet cry.

See you tomorrow!

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