Friday, January 11, 2013

What's Kraken?

A contest, that's what!

But first, some eye candy.

Ahhhhhhh YEAH! Sealed up and ready to munch on some Cygnar! Or Trollbloods. Or Khador... Cryx isn't terribly picky.

With that out of the way, I'm ready to give people stuff. I know I'm supposed to do it when I miss a post, and I"m sure everyone will be angry at unscheduled free stuff, but today my blog hit a pretty exciting milestone!

Small potatoes to be sure, but it's still exciting that my content has been viewed over 1,000 times. To celebrate, I've come up with an excuse to give away a gift certificate to Miniature Market, which is hands-down my favorite online gaming store.

All you guys need to do is make sure you've liked my Facebook page.  Once we hit 25 likes, I'll do a video where I randomly choose the winner.

Here's the part where you guys can do some leg work. If I can get 50 likes by midnight on January 18th, I'll do a second giveaway for another $10! So if anyone you know is in to wargames, painting, card games, board games... or even just cheesy humor on a daily basis, let them know!

See you tomorrow!

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