Thursday, January 31, 2013

Looking That Gift Horse Right In the Eye

A painting contest... a video contest... and now another opportunity!
Faeit, one of the big 40k blogs out there, is going to be hosting guest articles on their site! The only limitation to this is that it be related to wargaming, and it sounds like 40k is preferred. Still, what an opportunity to get my name out there!

I had a several ideas jotted down in my notebook for future posts, and I think a few are unique enough to warrant a spot on the blog. I won't give too much away, but my top three ideas are

  • Plato and Painting Theory
  • A humorous look at what I've learned after a year of wargaming
  • Terrain On a Budget
  • A guide for creating a unique gaming table
"But wait," I hear you say, "you haven't even decided on a table yet!"

And that's where you're mildly wrong! After a lot of searching through images and watching videos, I think I have an idea that will allow me to create a table that allows me to integrate terrain directly in to the table (without just having a building awkwardly sitting on top of it) while still allowing me to keep it modular and relatively easy to transport.

I'll be back another day with some sketches and ideas, but for now I'm glad I can let you know that the table has been moved up to an amorphous idea!

I'll be honest, I'm not sure I can handle many more opportunities. The past few days have been so exciting, today doubly so because as of today, I've gone an entire month without missing a single daily blog post. On my second week I was feeling a bit overwhelmed about producing about 350 more posts. But here I am, pumped to see where the blog goes and ready to go another 11 months without missing a post.

As always, thanks to those of you who have stuck with me as I fumbled around, and I hope you'll stick with me as things continue to improve and bring you great, geeky content on a daily basis. 

See you tomorrow... and I think you'll see me too!

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