Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Take it away, Liam Neeson

It's (possibly) done! These aren't the gallery photos, but I was too excited to wait.

Here's a closeup of the piece he's standing on. I built it up to be more exciting than it is, but I had the idea to use it I was unequivocally excited to see it done. The piece itself comes from another Privateer Press model known as eButcher, which is likewise a piece he stands on.

The Kraken is from one of four main armies from Warmachine. The other three armies are Cygnar (blue), Menoth (white), and Khador (red). Yes, I tricked myself in to painted Khador once again, but it was more than worth it!

After the glue dried, I sat back, put my hands behind my head, and took a deep breath. This model was the biggest largest single undertaking I've had as a painter. It was big, it had a lot of story that could be told, and it was up to me to do it right. I'm not often proud of my accomplishments, but this is a piece that I'm genuinely satisfied with the job I did. Everything went well, my hard work was rewarded, and I picked up a few new techniques in the process.

But what did I mean about "possibly done"? I'm not sure I'm done with the base yet. It looks good, but I want to do something more with the water. I'm picturing a small cluster of reeds or cattails. I don't want to push the envelope too far, but I feel like I need to add 1 more thing somewhere... I'll let you know once I've had a chance to come down from this ebullience and look at it with a more critical eye.

See you tomorrow!

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