Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can Dreams Come True?

Several days ago I made a post about my goals as a painter. Well today I found an opportunity to pursue one of those goals!
One of the forums I frequent is WAMP. It's a well-known place dedicated to painters, and because of that status the website gets a lot of unique opportunities. One such opportunity comes in the way of painting contests sponsored by miniatures companies.

Today I found a contest I'd been hoping to see for several months. This one is hosted by Wyrd Miniatures, and it's a company I've had my eye on.

As the name suggests, Wyrd Miniatures produces some unconventional games. Their original miniatures game, Malifaux, has since spawned a board game called Puppet Wars which uses those same characters as toys.

I won't lie, Wyrd produces some twisted-looking models. Some of them are ripped right out of Tim Burton's fantasies:

While others are almost Wonderlandian:

While I'm not the sort of guy who would get Cthulhu tattooed on his back, I will admit that the miniatures fascinate me. Some of the models are a bit extreme for me, but overall I think they're very well done.

So when I saw the contest announcement, I knew I was in. So that's why I'm announcing my entry here. Now, no matter what, I have to enter. And if I don't? Well I guess I'll giveaway a painted Wyrd model, so I'm stuck painting one no matter what!

So expect an update about once a week until that March 24th deadline approaches. I feel like I should go big on this one and make a full-blown diorama, but that may be a bit much. We'll have to see what happens as the clock ticks down!

See you tomorrow!

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