Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm not sure where I'm going, but I hope you'll come along.

I started this blog not really knowing where to take it. The stated goal was a general blog focused on geeky things I enjoy.

But with this Post A Day commitment, I'm finding that I need to have something with a bit more depth to it. What follows is a jumbled assortment of musings. Tread with caution.

Without spoiling a future series of posts, I stumbled upon something somewhat interesting last night. I was going over ideas for future posts, and I found myself really digging in to my gamer psyche. I like to think that I'm pretty self-aware, but I started to really evaluate myself. With no firm ideas in mind, I took my thoughts to fellow geeks around the world.
What a trip it's been.
The resulting conversations on various forums have me excited. Many have been unapologetically honest about themselves, and I'm envious of it. I hate cliches, but I found that people were being more honest in public than I was in my own head. I'm still working through it, but yesterday's novel was a nice bit of catharsis.

I say all that because it's inspired me to have a truly engaging blog. Doing a post every day, the easy answer is to do fluff pieces. But we don't want fluff, we want substance!
Sweet, sweet substance.
So you should really look forward to (or dread) some deeper articles throughout the year.

Here are some more ideas I've had, which are in no way ordered or even understandable:

-I want to do more video stuff. I've always shied away from the spotlight, but I had a lot of fun doing my airbrush video. In pushing myself to blog every day, I think this will be the year to really push myself outside of every comfort zone I have.

-With enough feedback, I'd really like to have at least one weekly column for people to look forward to. Insights, battle reports, reviews... who knows. Unfortunately I can't plan for success, so it's up to you to let me know if you'd like to see more or less of something!

-Photos. This is more of a personal rant than anything you care about, so skip to the next point. I realized that I was breaking some copyright laws by using Google to find my blog images. That's why almost any photo you hover over how thanks someone who posted a picture under Creative Commons. Unfortunately, the availability of good, free images is pretty anemic.
Admit it, you skipped here then read the previous sentence just to see how this image could be relevant.
I want to start taking my own. Google was a good way to sort of get images I wanted, but doing my own should be infinitely better. So now I get to be a photographer too. New experiences!

-Chronicling new experiences. In the land of the geek, there's always something going on. Being a hermit means that there's a lot I've missed out on over the years. Conventions are an obvious one, but there is so much out there to do. And now that I have a group of friends to drag along with me, there's no reason not to!

-Giveaways! Let's face it, I've made my deadline every day this year. Odds are highly against any of you getting a giveaway prize from that. So in the spirit of fairness, I want to do giveaways when we reach milestones. Facebook likes and YouTube subscribers are the obvious ones, but I'm a master of finding excuses to give people stuff. Just remember that you can't win if you don't follow me!

-Audience participation. I'd love to get you guys involved in what's going on. How? No idea, but the dream is there.

So that's where I"m at. More is coming, and hopefully the majority of it will be good. Writing something every day is a bit pointless if there's no one there to read it, so my goal will always be to inform and/or entertain - feedback helps! Unfortunately there's no easy-to-follow road signs for creating good content on a daily basis, so this will be a journey we'll take together.

No comment can do this justice.

See you tomorrow!

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