Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Xbox One Reveal - Brilliant or Catastrophic?

The next generation of Xbox has been revealed, titled the Xbox One. After the hype of the PS4 reveal, people wondered what Microsoft (MS) could do to keep people interested in their system. And as gamers around the world watched or read about the reveal, the entire world slightly shook as thousands upon thousands of shoulder slumped at the same time. The big reveal we'd been waiting for came and went, and it was very hard for people to get excited. The Xbox One fell flat in the eyes of many people, and many think the system will fail. But... was that Microsoft's plan all along?

When I first saw the reveal, I was ticked. I've always had an Xbox, and it wasn't going to be too hard to convince me to jump on board with the next incarnation. But here's basically what we were given at the console's first look:

  • Kinect is required for the console to work (grrrrrr)
  • They are doing something wonky with the used game market
  • It's not always on, but an internet connection is required at least once every 24 hours
  • No backwards compatibility
  • Full voice control (grrrrrrrrr)
  • Many other entertainment features like Skype and live TV
  • Various quality of life features
Basically nothing that indicates that this is a gaming console for gamers. Microsoft hasn't been shy about their goal of making this main part of a family's entertainment, but no one expected that this reveal would focus on it. So we were mad that they squandered their big chance on frivolous features. But as I started thinking about it, I started catching on to their plan.

E3, a large gaming convention, is coming up and Microsoft will do a part 2 of their reveal at the event. While many are frustrated that they're waiting until then to give us any more info, I think MS has accepted that they'll catch a lot of hate initially, but it will be for the good of their product. What it will do for them in the long run will keep their momentum going long in to the holiday season.

I'll try to explain what I think they're doing. MS knew that many of their customers wouldn't be interested in many of the features they revealed recently. Some are unpopular (mandatory Kinect) and some are features not everyone would care about (specs). So rather than trickle them between two reveals where no one would remember them, or people would be disappointed that they wasted time on unimportant features, they instead frontloaded all of it.

The result? We get mad and yell about how doomed the system is and that we're taking our money elsewhere. But then we cool down and watch their E3 presentation, and we will be bombarded with everything we care about. System price, clarification of used games, Xbox One exclusives, and big features like Xbox Live changes or new additions no one has talked about yet.

Now Xbox One has nothing but positive PR carrying them toward their system release.  They're giving us the bad news now in the hopes that they have so much good news that we'll forget all about their horrible first showing. People will still gripe, but overall their customers will end this two-part reveal with a positive idea of how much better this system will be over the current generation.

It's also been awhile since Sony has made much noise about their system, so much of that excitement has died down for now. With MS waiting until closer to the system's release it will seem like the only thing anyone can talk about is Xbox One as MS systematically releases more and more info throughout the coming months. I'm sure Sony will do the same, but this extended pause between information may be MS's chance to grab a bit more of the spotlight.

I'm still a bit miffed at MS for their poor showing, as well as the features I simply can't stand (seriously, I hate the Kinect). But now that I've cooled down and cleaned up the ashes of my Microsoft effigy I set fire to... I think we'll all be pleasantly surprised after E3. PS4 may still be the better system,  but I'm confident the giant that is Microsoft isn't capable of failing nearly as much as we're being led to believe.

I have a comment section below, make sure you use it! How are you feeling after the Xbox One reveal? Do you think Microsoft really is a sinking ship, or is this just a clever move to get more buzz at E3?

See you tomorrow!

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