Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Countdown to Cyriss - Week 10

We've made it to double digits on this series! To celebrate, DC gave us a wonderful look at Father Lucant, Divinity Architect.

While many Cyriss warcasters have been about hard-hitting models combined with synergy, Lucant shows how well the faction can play the ranged game as well.

  • Clockwork Reinforcement. This feat gives friendly faction models in his 14" control area +4 ARM. In addition, repair skill checks automatically succeed. The first part of this feat is just amazing; +4 ARM to everything is going to do a lot to blunt an opponent's alpha strike, or to let the army dig in and hold an objective. Automatically passing Repair checks may be wasted on an alpha strike, but repairing your warjacks and giving them +4 ARM can practically set your opponent back a turn!
  • Field Marshal [Shield Guard] Like all Cyriss warcasters, he grants his entire battlegroup an ability. Shield Guard allows warjacks to be automatically hit by a ranged attack that directly hit a model within 2". While limited in its use, the fact that you can protect key models by placing them near one of your many warjacks further increases your chances of getting key pieces up the table. This is a great way to protect those servitors that have limited range and really want to be near the frontlines!
  • Spells: Lucant has Purification that will basically remove all spell effects in his control area. This spell is incredibly powerful, allowing you to wreak havoc on an enemy that was relying on his upkeeps or animi to save him. True it removes yours too, but that's life.

    He also has Deceleration to give a DEF/ARM bonus vs. ranged attacks, letting you use shield guard with impunity. Finally, DC mentioned that his spell Positive Charge combines with his MAT 6 to make his warjacks and troops very accurate. I take a few points from this. 1) He's likely a melee caster, which fill let you field melee jacks to better take advantage of his feat. 2) "very accurate" to me says that you can make your jacks MAT 8 or 9. Yummy. 3) he's not selfish with his buffs, and makes his units as potent as his warjacks
Compared to previous spoilers, I feel like we didn't get much here. But it's awesome to see and consider all the different ways to play Cyriss, despite their limited releases!

See you tomorrow!

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