Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Countdown to Cyriss - Week 11

It's the moment we've all been waiting for... Cyriss's colossal, aka the Prime Axiom! For as much as colossals are capable of, DC didn't spoil too much this week. However, he made up for it with a terrific sketch!

Before we move on, do so you see that rock? I hope that's included so that I don't have to pin his spider legs to the base. That being said, let's take a look at what we learned today:

  • Not something new, but I had forgotten that this is considered a warjack and is therefore affected by battlegroup spells!
  • It has drag, allowing it to grab a model from range and pull it in B2B contact. And as you can see from the sketch, it gets to do this twice. Like the Galleon, Axiom gets a free drill vice attack (likely its generic melee attack) on targets it Drags, followed by the ability to purchase more melee attacks. Nothing super special here, but it does let you keep Axiom back, rather than forcing you to charge closer to your opponent's models.
  • In addition to drill vice, it has an attack called "accelespiker." Cheesiness aside, we get no word on what this actually is, nor can I really tell where the attack might come from. It has a circle of spikes on its forehead, so that's the best guess unless his drill hands are multi-functional like other Cyriss weapons. I want to hazard a guess that these will be armor piercing, but that might be overkill.
  • For stats we have DEF 7 ARM 20. It's one of the better ARM stats for these big fellas, and it's not like anyone really cares about a colossal's DEF anyway. With the sheer amount of support you can pack in a 50 point list, this thing is going to take an opponent's full army to take it down, or it will need to have a bunch of units fed to it to keep tied up and away from the action. It's just too bad about that tow cable!
  • Now let's get to the juicy bits... Launch Servitor. If you have been around long enough, you'll remember that in Week 4 I covered a number of servitors. You can guess where this is going... Prime Axiom can place any servitor model within 2" of its base. Once per turn you get to whip out your Swiss Army Knife and respond to any situation your opponent throws at you. You can repair, handle high DEF, high ARM, swarms of models... basically, your opponent will never truly be safe when near your model.

    The best part? The servitor activates that turn! That means that you can blow a hole in your opponent's infantry, finish off a Dragged target, or just move forward 6" and block a charge lane. While servitors aren't overly powerful for their 1 point price tag, it does give you greater flexibility in the middle of a game, and also frees up several points for other models. Even if this is Axiom's only ability, it's darn good and will make this model a terror on the table.
So that's it. Nothing too groundbreaking, but the artwork and Launch Servitor are all I needed. It's going to be hard to spend so many points on a single warjack when Cyriss has so much support for the others, but I think this thing will carry its weight with the proper support.

It's hard to believe that we are 11 weeks in and still have much more to see. This is certainly not the shallow release I anticipated, and I think Privateer Press is making a very solid, one shot army. I certainly can't wait to get mine!

See you tomorrow!

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