Saturday, June 1, 2013

Guest Post - Being Married to a Gamer

I'm very excited to feature my first guest post. I'm doubly excited because my wife has secretly been working on this since I first announced guest posting, and I think you will really enjoy it!

Being Married to a Gamer

Being married to a gamer is basically the same as being married to a non-gamer.

 They both build things:

Well, more like these things:

They need their T.V. time:

Although they tend to look more like this during it:

They paint:

But with smaller brushes:

They have recreation time:

Though it is more like this:

They also need the right equipment for it:

But it tends to look more like this:

Ok, so there maybe a few differences, but gamer or non-gamer, you still have to learn new things. Instead of hearing all about statistics and world cups, you learn about strategy and special abilities. Instead of hearing yelling about the “bad call” you hear discussions (maybe arguments) about rules and what allows them to make that move. There are tournaments instead of super bowls, and release dates instead home openers. But you still get to hear about the awesomeness of HD and how the bigger the screen the better! Although in this case it doesn't only apply to TVs.

The lingo also changes. You thought you learned all about letters in elementary, and then you figured about txt talk in middle school, now there is a whole new set of jargon to learn. Like tank (similar action to the military version, yet quite different), codex, noob, and "battlefoam" (now that sounds tough right?). There are acronyms like DMs and GMs, RPGs, PVP, MMOs, D6s 4s 8s 10s 12s & 20s, and AFK. Army will be used frequently, and even though my brother is a Marine, it is never actually used in reference to the United States Military (though that may have something to do with the fact that my brother would be highly offended to be lowered to that level “Oorah!")

There is much more participation when married to a gamer.  Instead of just being the means by which pop and chips make it to the coffee table in front of the game, you are the one that is asked to test drive the new game, or help with making things for tournaments, and talk through layouts. It can be fun at times, others you just have to smile and nod and pretend that you actually know what is going on, though I imagine that can be the same with a non-gamer and a fantasy football game.

Well here is my take from the other side of the game room! :-)

~Amanda Burns, Wife of a Gamer


See you tomorrow!

Remember to follow me on Facebook. I'm doing a blog post every single day for 2013, and Facebook is a great way to stay up-to-date as well as take part in my monthly giveaways! And now is the perfect time to enter and win a piece of terrain!

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