Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Farewell, Worthy Painting

I received a rather disheartening news email from MiniWarGaming today. Apparently Worthy Painting, a phenomenal group of commission painters, is having to close the door on their storefront and painting business. While this happens all the time with small businesses, Worthy Painting has been huge in my development as a painter, and seeing them have to close up felt like it was happening to a friend.

When I first started painting, as with all my pursuits I looked at what the pros were doing. One of my friends directed me toward Worthy Painting as a source of inspiration, and I found myself really enjoying how clean and precise their work looked. They use hard lines in addition to shadows to really make each piece of the model stand out.

While I thought it was simple, it turns out that drawing a fine line almost perfectly straight takes a bit of mastery. I got to practice it with a friend's Eldar and did pretty well for being a baby painter, but the precision they put in to bigger things like vehicles is amazing. Go check their gallery and see the precise, high-quality work they do.

Each artist tends to have their own style, and Worthy always strived to be clean but realistic. Their pieces didn't have that "fresh from the factory" look, but there was no muddying in their detail, and every part of a model was eye-catching. You could usually look at a model they did and know it was from their studio because they had an identity - a signature style that set them apart from many other professional painters.

So it's with some sadness that we say goodbye to much of Worthy Painting. They promise they'll still be around on YouTube, but I will miss their constant additions to their Facebook gallery. I hope they can find their way back to commission painting, but for now I wish them the best of luck.

See you tomorrow!

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