Thursday, January 26, 2012

Everybody Do The "Big Nintendo Announcement" Dance!!!

Nintendo has announced that The Wii-U and (presumably sooner) 3DS will support "The Nintendo Network" - an online service for digital-distribution, DLC and (presumably) superior online-multiplayer.

Oh, goody! It's dance time!

Places everyone - you know the steps by now!

Predictable Nintendo Fanboys: Get really, really excited and start pretending that you never ever once said that this particular feature - which literally every other console manufacturer in the business has already been doing for at least six years - wasn't important and/or that Nintendo was better off without it!

Predictable Nintendo Haters: That's your cue to start acting like the "late-to-the-party" thing is really, really significant - and make sure to punctuate with an "Oooooh, super! I can't wait to play [insert-unpopular-Wii-title-here] online!"

Round n' round n' round we go! WHEEEEEEE!!!

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