Thursday, January 26, 2012

Capcom Uses PS3 Exclusives to Flip Off Mega Man Fans

Hat-tip: ScrewAttack

Capcom does NOT have a good relationship with "Mega Man" fans these days. Series creator Keiji Inafune left the company last year, and the lack of (good) new projects in the series coupled with the cancellation of "Mega Man Legends 3" and "Mega Man Universe" has turned fans heavily negative on the company.

Capcom's irritation at the situation, along with irritating at the constant drumbeat for the character to pop up as a guest-star in the company's numerous crossover titles, HAS to have just a tiny bit to do with the content this trailer for PS3-exclusive characters in "Street Fighter vs. Tekken;" in which Mega Man is featured in a somewhat unexpected form...

Yup. "American NES Box-Art Mega Man."

I suppose on one level I have to admire the skill/audacity involved in this kind of "trolling;" but I can't say it doesn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. Of all the various types of "fanboys" who could stand to be brought down a peg... I feel like Mega Man fans - hell, fans of retro-gaming franchises OTHER than first-party Nintendo properties - are having a rough enough time without Capcom telling them to go fuck themselves. Though, honestly, for me it's not half as painful as watching twerpy "Cole" knock-out Ryu (yeah, right...)

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