Sunday, July 3, 2011

The South Rises Again... As XBox Live DLC

Oh, dear... This will not end well.

As seen on KOTAKU, XBox Live Marketplace is now selling a collection of history-based doll clothes for Avatars. One of which, pictured, is a Confederate Civil War uniform.

It's only listed as a "Civil War Uniform," but it's worth noting that a Union alternative is not offered - by contrast, both British and U.S. outfits are availed for the Revolutionary War. I don't know that I've checked, but are Confederate Flags allowed as Avatar-wear? If not, why this and not that? And while I'm at it, can I also get a Soviet army uniform? North Korean? WWI or WWII Germany? If not... why not, if this is "okay?"

I imagine there's no way to avoid the usual tiresome back and forth that always comes up in regards to the Civil War: "It was about slavery!" "No, it was about States Rights!" "What rights were they angry about?" "Well, the right to have slaves - BUT IT'S THE PRINCIPAL!!" At this point, I've given up wondering just how many generations its going to take for (some of) the American South to accept that "honoring your ancestors" and "pretending that your ancestors' cause wasn't on the wrong side of both basic morality and history" are not the same thing... though I'm REALLY eager to see how enflamed it all gets when Tarantino's "Django Unchained" (which is purportedly about an escaped slave who turns gunslinger to liberate his wife from a white plantation owner in the pre-war South) comes out - that's gonna be a party.

Is it even worth asking why this was supposed to be appropriate/revelant for a 4th of July release thing? The Holiday commemorates the formation of the country the folks in this uniform were trying to get out of. The only thing symbolically important about 7/4 for the Confederacy was the withdrawal from Gettysburg... which was a devastating loss.

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