Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Regarding the "Tip Jar"

Alright, so... as you can probably tell, there is now a PayPal "Tip Jar" button on the sidebar of both blogs. I just wanted to clarify a few things about that after the jump.

Here's the thing of it, folks: While I DO get paid to produce some of the content that is linked/embedded to this site, a good deal of it I do not - i.e. Game OverThinker, American Bob, "pieces" posted directly to the two blogs themselves, etc. So I figured that, on the off chance that folks who enjoy those things ever wished to "express" said enjoyment in the form of a tip here or there, it couldn't hurt to make the option available.

I want to be very clear on this point, though - the "tip jar" is EXACTLY what it says it is, and nothing else. It's not going to effect or be effected-by the content of the site - i.e. you will NOT see things in the vein of "if the tip jar gets X-amount full, this or that will happen on this or that show." Because that would be INCREDIBLY tacky and lame. It's a virtual jar by the virtual till, period; and will have no influence on content - PERIOD.

Conversely, please know and take seriously any comments/emails/whatever along the lines of "if I put X-amount in the jar, will you start/stop doing this/that?" will be ignored. In fact, I'd prefer not to talk about it AT ALL - even in the well-meaning "hey man, I liked that so I tipped etc etc" in the comments/feedback or otherwise because - again - that seems tacky and uncomfortable to me.

The "tip jar," much like the ads, is STRICTLY a way for me to break a little bit more even on this whole "free entertainment and content" thing. If you like the blogs, content, etc and want to "show support" by tossing some change in the jar or clicking the ads; awesome, bless you, thank you very much. If not, that's cool too and thanks for reading/watching all the same.

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