Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blackwater: The Game

There are no words for how despicable this is. Congratulations, Japan - "Rapelay" is no longer the most vile premise ever concieved for a video game.

505 Games is developing a Kinect-enable shooter based on the real-life mercenary outfit, developed in cooperation with it's founder and bearing the group's original name - which was changed after the public-relations "setback" of the company being dragged in front of Congress to face charges that the group had pulled all kinds of shady, illegal stuff up to and including murder of civillians in Iraq.

Y'know... the "America's Army" games/recruitment-ads were borderline edgy stuff... but this is easily the most morally-bankrupt (even by MY standards!) pitch for an actual game since.. what, "Custer's Revenge," easily? Yes, they have a right to make it... but if it actually SELLS it's going to be a black eye that'll set the gaming medium back for DECADES. Seriously - games-as-art after this = Republican Party after WATERGATE.

Oh, incidentally - any of the right-wing twits who pitched a hissy-fit about "Medal of Honor's" playable-Taliban but DON'T immediately also condemn this piece of shit are hypocrites of the absolute highest order.

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