Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Look, I appreciate and am grateful for people posting and linking the show throughout the web, but can I ask a small favor?

When you do, can we maybe NOT do it as part of an "eff you!" or "your opinion is WRONG, here's the RIGHT one!" thing on a forum or talkback or whatever? I appreciate the passion and enthusiasm, but when the show - and, by extension, *I* - get used in such a way, it reflects bad on the show and reflects bad on me. Y'know?

Especially since, regarding the "Other M" episode... I wasn't looking to "refute" or "take-down" any other game critic or site; mainly just respond to recurring message-board trolling and memes.

So... by all means, re-post... but let's all have some tact, eh? ;)

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