Monday, September 6, 2010

Give "Other M" a shot

Alright, I don't generally use the "OverThinker" blog for anything but important stuff or new episodes, but I really want to jump into this whole thing:

If you've got a Wii, whether you're a "Metroid" fan or not, and if you ever take my advice on anything: Give "Metroid: Other M" a chance. Yes, even if you just rent it or buy it and sell it back right away if you hate it.

In this business, ANY game that takes a big risk deserves attention and respect, but taking a big risk with an established "franchise" deserves something close to a ribbon just for showing up. And make no mistake, ditching close to a decade of First-Person-Shooter "Metroid" games in favor of - think about this for a moment - a third-person 3D "Super Metroid" successor developed OUTSIDE the Nintendo inner-circle whose controls are mapped to what is essentially an NES CONTROLLER* is easily the biggest risk Nintendo has taken on a license since "Windwaker."

And though I've not beaten it yet, thus far I'm comfortable calling it dangerously-close to amazing.** So if my opinion counts for anything, I'm calling this a must-play - and it'd be a real shame if Nintendo and Team Ninja got the idea that this wasn't a direction they should continue pursuing.

So give it a shot, eh?

* Speaking of which, I would love someone from Team Ninja to explain to me exactly WHY this game - controlled with what amounts to an NES controller and, occasionally, an NES Zapper - controls better than any of their "Ninja Gaiden" games did with Dual Analogs and twice the buttons.

** Before anyone brings it up: YES, melodramatic voice-acting and YES, someone really should've caught what the unintended subtext of the narrative based solution to the "where do upgrades come from" problem might be to some people.

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