Saturday, July 14, 2012

EPISODE 72 - "NecroThinker: The Last Stand"

Not totally sure what was up with viewable/not-viewable earlier in the week, but now it's Saturday so here it is: The OFFICIAL rollout of our second big mailbag show AND (for those who stick around after the main show) the climax of the NecroThinker story-arc. Enjoy!

I'll be brutally honest: I'm not 100% satisfied with how everything came together on this one. The important stuff - the G1 Mailbag Questions - worked out just fine, but I had plans for the "battle" stuff that intercuts the questions and the big sendoff for NecroThinker that life just sort of got in the way of.

The main "bullet points" are all in there: Night-time sword fight, MOTU reference, reveal that OverThinker can use the two Stones the way he used Fire/Ice Flowers previously, turn RetroThinker back to normal but leave some doubt as to what degree the NecroThinker persona remains (or was always there) and - most-importantly - OverThinker deciding to keep NecroThinker's true identity a secret. So, structure-wise it does what was necessary.

My main regret is that I had wanted the actual fight to take place somewhere a little more visually-interesting than the abandoned parking-lot. Ideally I was hoping to find some kind of quarry/industrial location(s), but nailing one down that we could use, was reasonably safe and well-lit at night just never availed itself in the timeframe I wanted it to and the rest of my life got so consumed by bigger, more difficult things... so ultimately the best solution was to go with what we had on hand - especially since, after all, the skits are of secondary import to the "meat" of an episode; especially a Q&A.

As for where we go from here... still working that up. Unseen personal-apocalypses notwithstanding, the plan is to get these releases back on a more regular/reliable schedule. The next "arc" for the skits will likely begin pretty-much right away; but - without giving too much away - doesn't necessarily require as much direct involvement from The OverThinker himself or as much "on-location" shooting as this one did. I have a feeling people are going to dig some of the stuff that'll be showing up.

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