Saturday, February 18, 2012


Okay, so...

Things went a little dark-ish here, for a bit. Short version: Got a nasty sick-bug of some sort that played hell on my vocal chords and knocked-out one of my ears for awhile, so my productivity went to shit. Things are picking back up, so time for some updates:

Firstly, two more episodes have "aged into" YouTube-readiness: Episode 61: "Bells & Whistles" and Episode 62: "Seeing Red."

Second: A new episode HAS been completed, though I don't know when (presumably in the near future) it will air at this time. I will post it as soon as I know more.

Third: I recently learned that, unfortunately, the proposed TGO panel was not picked up to be part of PAXEast this year. Dissapointing, but these things happen. I'm in the process of contacting folks who had offered to participate; and I will still be appearing on/at (at least) two other events at the show.

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