Monday, May 16, 2011

EPISODE 51 coming this thursday night!

EPISODE 51 is coming this Thursday night, 5/19/11, at 11pm ET. This is, of course, the first "post-AntiThinker" episode and will debut - among other fun new things - our new Opening Credits... with temporary music, as that's still being worked on.

To tide you over, here's a trio of still images - all from the episode itself. Enjoy!

I'm thinking some version of this "desk set" might become a semi-
permanent fixture of the show, as it was very convenient to use.

Two more pix after the jump...

Fairchild Channel F: The first cartridge-based game console EVER.
You May recall it being mentioned a bit last month when it's creator
Gerald Lawson, the inventor of the Game Cartridge, passed away.


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