Friday, April 8, 2011

Crisis on Infinite Zones?

Below, the trailer for - amazingly - ANOTHER next-gen "Sonic the Hedgehog" game. No title, no indication of gameplay, but it's got quite a hook: "2000s Sonic" is joined midway through his run by... "Original 90s Sonic." O... kay?

Two things are immediately apparent: That Sonic Team continues to know more about "pitching" Sonic games than MAKING them, and that you have to be really into Sonic to immediately discern the actual difference between the two Sonics.

It's probably a coincidence, but part of me REALLY wants to think that the side-by-side run, along with the whole (implied) premise, is an intentional shout-out to "Flash Of Two Worlds."

Also, Sonic Team? Free note: If you actually are going to pull some kind of "Sonic Multiverse" stuff, you might as well have the SatAm cast show up. The fans will lose their shit.

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